Message from Head of School/CEO
Ameena Lalani
Dear Acorns Family,
In work life today, transience has become a norm, rather than an exception. Given this dynamic, it is important to provide your child with as much stability as possible. One way is through education. When choosing a school, it is important to pick one that connects with one’s belief about learning and child development, as well as a broad-based programme of curricular and extracurricular activities
Our programmes are tailored to help students assimilate, no matter where they are. It contextualizes concepts in class that stretch beyond the realms of time and place. The internationalism of a school is much beyond the name, it is in the offerings, the grassroots, and how it will place you on the global map that you are meant to conquer. Our Acorns tree has seen a flourishing journey from being a sapling to a strong, deep-rooted tree today. Fruitful, literally and figuratively, that’s how I see it. From the size of the campus to the size of our family, the trajectory has been upward and onward, and we would like to thank everyone who has played an integral part in this exponential growth – our students, parents and of course, invaluable Acorns team. I am proud that I have the support of an entire (Acorns) family that shares the school’s vision to inspire and empower each other to achieve our personal best and create a better and more peaceful world.
Thank you for being part of our community,
Ameena Lalani HoS/CEO