Newsletter-December 2020
August 6, 2024
Message from Principal
As we come to the end of this term, we would like to thank our Acorns International community who have sailed through the tides with us.
We have been able to do some of the activities we had scheduled on the school calendar like the school play was held under the theme ‘Disease Prevention” and the learners did a great job.
Our second term was scheduled to start on the 5th of January 2021 but with political climate and voting season we have moved the start of next term to the 20th January 2021, and for that matter we shall not have our midterm break as proposed so as to be able to compensate for the lost time of one week.
We request parents who send other people to pick up their children to give us their passport pictures and we have made pickup cards which those people must bring to school as they pick up the children. For security purposes we shall not give the children to anyone who does not come with the card.
Last but not least we request that school dues are paid on time to enable us run the school smoothly.
We wish you all happy holidays and Happy new year!
Evelyn Twebaze
School Requirements:
Pencils & Pencil cases, Pens, Coloured Pencils, Rubbers, Sharpeners, Rulers, Mathematical sets & Labelled masks.
Upcoming Events:
Acorns International School is committed to leaving no stone unturned. All calendared events such as CCC, Sports Day, Talent Hunt and Swimming Gala will be held and we will keep parents updated.
Next term will begin on 20th January 2021
Term One (Past Event)
The purpose of this event was to view the world as a community in which distance & isolation have been dramatically reduced by technology.
Enjoy our cultural celebration!
Finance Department
Hello Acorns International School Family,
We hope you are keeping well and safe.
As we come to End of Term, please note the new payment plans below:
Children using school transport must clear transportation fees before they start using the school van. Contact the accounts office for your fare prices.
Fees structure Term II – 2020-2021
Emails with individual fees details will be sent out by the end of the term respectively.
A requirement list has been posted above please take note that we are encouraging this in order to avoid any sorts of contact between children through sharing to ensure as much protection as possible from the rising COVID-19 cases in the country.
70% of school fees must be cleared before the beginning of each term. Failure to meet this will result into 5% surcharge for late fees payments.
In case of any concerns please feel free to contact the accounts office on the number below,
We hope you will take these new changes into consideration with immediate effect.
We look forward to having you all back to normal school next term.
Best wishes,
Aleena Karmali
+256 750960295 (call/whatsapp)